1. FRL has different gaskets, flow is right to left and oil dome retainer. 2. This filter is accompanied by a pressure drop guide that is made for liquid use only. 3. This is a regulator/filter together that has a protective coating on it. 4. A filter/regulator joined together that has different sizes to them. 5. The body is made into the regulator so you can mount manifold. 6. Small filter that has its main outlet going straight thru and the next one goes in the outlet at 90 degrees. 7.This regulator’s body id made to look like a valve inset. 8. Small regulator has inlet and outlet fittings. 9. Small regulators that have main straight thru and second ones 90 degrees. 10. Small regulator that has viton poppet, teflon midsection circle and stationary knob. 11. Small filter has hose fittings in the ports. 12. Small regulator that has two main ports 90 degrees and two minor ports 90 degrees. 13. Regulators that have mainifold bodies you can mount on. 14. Small filter that have a retaining ring so you can mount on a panel. 15. Small regulator that have ports on the bottom with hose fittings.
You may need to put on bowl guards on the bowl filters that are made of polycarbonate. You can order them with metal bowls. If these bowls come in contact with lubricants, solvents and any other strong chemicals may cause them to fail.
These types of filters cause such high force that have low pressure drop. It will sling liquids and solid matter on the guards. The matter will go toward the drain and drain off.
These filters shouldn’t go over 150 psi and temps of 120 degrees and highest should be 250 psi and 200 degrees F. If these bowls come in contact with lubricants, solvents and any other strong chemicals may cause them to fail.
If you have need of these filters or regulators, call us at 662-871-8403