Pump Performance convert it 1 gpm – 231cubic in / mn
Pump Performance
Pump Performance You are doing work for long periods of time, have the oil temp at 120 F degrees. On the charts the PSI are generally estimates. And also, take into account for wear and tear on your unit too.
Motor Performance torque is in pounds
Shaft End Covers * means with outboard bearing ** type ll
Port End Covers
Gear Housing * means only use low pressure
Gear Housing
Drive Shaft * means only use code 896,796,696 & 096 shaft end covers ** means up this size by at least 1/8″ when you use 889, 789, 689 & 089 shaft end covers
Bearing carriers
Where you see the parts & description in a reddish color that means it is multiply units only. Plug 5 in area b for CW rotation Plug 5 in area a for CCW rotation see about valves in all positions for bi directional rotation
When ordering parts you will need know certain things in order to get the right parts. And keep keep up with your tag on your unit, your model number. You must have that.
If you have questions or need help with repairs, call us at 662-871-8403